- Grote Company (60)
- Urschel Laboratories, Inc. (55)
- Treif Maschinenbau (46)
- FoodTools (25)
- Bettendorf Stanford (15)
- Ross Industries (12)
- Marel (12)
- Hobart (12)
- Weber (12)
- Oliver (9)
- LeMatic Inc (9)
- Scanvaegt Systems (9)
- Anco (6)
- Brothers (6)
- Formax (6)
- AEW Delford (6)
- Bizerba USA, Inc. (6)
- JBT Corporation (6)
- GMC (6)
- Kasel (6)
- Toby Enterprises (6)
- CRM (6)
- CMI Equipment and Engineering Co (6)
- The Henry Group (4)
- Shaver Specialty Co. (3)
- Textor (3)
- Pre-Pack Machinery, Inc. (3)
- Bettcher (3)
- Leblanc (3)
- Armi (3)
- CP Food Machinery (3)
- Mepsco (3)
- Mozley MFG. Co., Inc. (3)
- Emura Food Machine Co. (3)
- Johnson (3)
- Sormac (3)
- Bizerba SE & Co.KG (3)
- Gaung Zhou Daqiao food (3)
- COMAT (3)
- Titan (3)
- Casa Herrera (3)
- United Bakery Equipment Co. (3)
- UltraSource (3)
- Weber Slicer (3)
- Lyco Manufacturing Inc. (3)
- GEA (3)
- BIRO Manufacturing (3)
- Carruthers (3)
- Cashin Systems Corp (3)
- Griffin (3)
- Heinzen Manufacturing International (3)
- holac (3)
- Tosei Kogyo (3)
- Berkel (3)
- ABL (3)
- Backus Sormac BV (3)
- Norfo (3)
Search Within Slicer
Leblanc LB-BP-1500 Loin Puller
The Leblanc loin puller/defatter is designed for trimming off the back fat of a loin that has been scribed from a belly. The conveying system engages the loin and moves it towards a cutting zone where the fat is...
Armi Dual Lane Stainless Steel Portioner/Slicer
The Armi Dual Lane Portioner/Slicer is engineered for precision and efficiency in food processing. This advanced machine allows for simultaneous slicing and portioning, ensuring consistent results and optimal yield....
CP Food Machinery FLS 3CFS Salmon Slicer
Used CP Food Machinery FLS 3CFS Salmon Slicer with: Output: up to 60 kilograms per hour Maximum product dimensions: Width: 7 inches Thickness: 2 inches Roller conveyor dimensions: Length: 16.5...
Treif Puma 700 EB Horizontal Meat Slicer For Bone In And Boneless Meats Up To 400 Slices Per Minute
A powerful performer - for bone-in and boneless products. The Treif PUMA can cut at speeds of up to 400 cuts per minute (with the double blade). This is true for cutlets, steaks, schnitzel, pork belly, bacon or...
Grote FPS-1000 Stainless Steel Fresh Produce Slicer
The Fresh Produce Slicer (FPS-1000) efficiently slices various produce, including tomatoes and onions, without damage. It’s perfect for processors seeking a high-quality, versatile solution...
Bettendorf 75 Slicer And AMF Mark 50 Bagger For Bread Loaves
Used Bettendorf And AMF Bread Loaf Slicer And Bagger: Bettendorf 75 Slicer: Output: 70 loaves per minute depending on application, usually set by bagger speed Capable of slicing from 3/8" to 5/8"...
Bettendorf 75 Slicer And AMF Mark 50 Bagger For Bread Loaves
Used Bettendorf And AMF Bread Loaf Slicer And Bagger: Bettendorf 75 Slicer: Output: 70 loaves per minute depending on application, usually set by bagger speed Capable of slicing from 3/8" to 5/8"...
Grote S/A 530 and SL-30 Pendulum Slicer & Slitter Combo
Used Grote S/A 530 and SL-30 Pendulum Slicer & Slitter Combo with: Grote Slicer/Applicators combine slicing and applying into a single, automated operation. The combined slice & apply functions eliminate...
Pre-Pack Machinery PP-5-13.5-TRD-RH Stainless Steel Fruit Peeler
Used Pre-Pack Machinery Fruit Peeler with: Production output rate: up to 7 pieces per minute (depending on application) Adjusts automatically to products from 5 - 13.5 inches 7 preset speeds Stainless...
Grote 613-VS2-LES Stainless Steel Meat And Cheese Log End Slicer
Recover meat and cheese log end slices to maximize yield and eliminate rework. Grote's Log End Slicer is specifically designed to recover usable slices from every product log end. The unit has an auto-loading...
CRM Jaccard Sectormatic 300x400 Stainless Steel Slicer
Used CRM Jaccard Sectormatic 300x400 Slicer with: Blade diameter: 300 millimeters Working cut width: 400 millimeters Blade speed: 28 rotations per minute Blade centers: 7/8 inches Washing water: 13...
CRM Jaccard Sectormatic 300x400 Stainless Steel Slicer
Used CRM Jaccard Sectormatic 300x400 Slicer with: Cycle time: 4 seconds Blade diameter: 300 millimeters Working cut width: 400 millimeters Blade speed: 28 rotations per minute Blade centers: 2 1/8 inches...
Guang Xhou Daqiao Food Stainless Steel 6GXD-13 Fruit And Vegatable Peeler
Used Gaung Zhou Fruit and Vegetable Pealer with: Production speed: up to 13-20 ppm, depending on application Product aperture (inches): Width: 5 Height: 6 Belt dimensions (inches): Length: 72...
Grote S/A-2530 2-Head Stainless Steel Pendulum Slicer/Applicator
Used Grote S/A-2530 2-Head Pendulum Slicer/Applicator with: Output: Slice and apply: up to 176 strokes per minute, per lane Bulk slice, stacks & shingles: 120 strokes per minute, per lane Capabilities: ...
Ross 950-6 Dual Lane Stainless Steel Slicer
Used Ross 950-6 Dual Lane Slicer with: Speed: up to 100 slices per minute, per chute Slice thickness: Minimum: 0 millimeters Maximum: 45 millimeters Chute dimensions (2): Length: 4.75 inches...
Showing 46-60 of 182 Items