Search Within V Blender
Patterson Kelley 75 Cubic Ft Twin Shell V Blender
Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Capacity: 75 cubic feet Maximum material density: 60 pounds per square foot Twin shells with covers Discharge: 16.5 inches diameter Discharge height: 42 inches...
Patterson Kelley 75 Cubic Ft Twin Shell V Blender
Used Patterson Kelley Blender with: Capacity: 75 cubic feet Maximum material density: 60 pounds per cubic foot Drive: Gear and pinion 7.5 Horsepower Includes brake Outlet:...
Patterson Kelly 75 Cubic Feet 20 HP V Blender
Used Patterson Kelly V Blender with: Capacity: 75 cubic feet Maximum material density: 50 pounds per cubic foot 20 horsepower motor Discharge diameter: 12 inches Pneumatic butterfly valve 49...
Patterson Kelley 20 Cu. Ft. Twin Shell V Blender
Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Capacity: 20 cubic feet Maximum density: 113 pounds per square feet Covers: solid A-frame stand Stainless steel construction
Patterson Kelley 10 Cu. Ft. Twin Shell V Blender
Used Patterson Kelley Blender with: Capacity: 10 cubic feet Maximum density: 135 pounds per square foot A-frame support stand Stainless steel construction Driven by 2 horsepower, 208/440 volt,...
Patterson Kelley 5 Cu Ft V Twin Shell Blender
Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Capacity: 5 cubic feet Maximum material density: 65 pounds per cubic foot Mounted on stand with covers and discharge valve 2 Horsepower, 208/460 volt motor drive...
Patterson Kelley 5 Cu Ft V Twin Shell Blender
Used Patterson Kelley Twin Shell blender with: Capacity: 5 cubic feet Maximum material density: rated 55 pounds Standard feed ports with covers Discharge: 6 inch diameter with butterfly valve ...
Patterson Kelly 3 Cubic Ft V-Blender
Used Patterson Kelly 3 Cubic Ft V-Blender with: Maximum density: 140 pounds per cubic foot .25 HP tumble motor .75 HP mixing blades motor Stainless steel construction Missing both lids
Patterson Kelley 10 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender
Used Patterson Kelley 10 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender with: 304 stainless steel construction Rated at 70 pounds per cubic foot maximum material density Liquid feed intensifier bar with 5 horsepower...
Patterson Kelley 5 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender
Used Patterson Kelley 5 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender with: 5 cubic foot capacity 304 stainless steel construction Maximum material density rated 95 pounds per cubic foot Mounted on legs 0.75...
Patterson Kelley 3 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender
Used Patterson Kelley 3 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender with: 3 cubic foot capacity Stainless steel construction Maximum material density: rated 60 pounds per cubic foot Liquid solids bar with motor...
Patterson Kelley 3 CuFt Twin Shell dryer Blender
Used Patterson Kelley 3 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Blender with: 3 cubic foot capacity Stainless steel contact parts Jacket rated for 30 pounds per square inch at 250 degrees Fahrenheit Shell rated for...
Patterson Kelley SS 10 Cubic Foot V-Blender
Used Patterson Kelley SS 10 Cubic Foot V-Blender with: Agitation bar Maximum density: 70 pounds per cubic foot 28 inch leg extensions and wheels Covers and valve 5 horsepower motor
Gemco 3 Cubic Foot Double Cone Blender
Used Gemco 3 Cubic Foot Double Cone Blender with: Working capacity: 3 cubic feet Stainless steel construction 24 inch diameter Liquid/solids intensifier bar Maximum material density: 55 pounds...
Patterson Kelly Twin Shell Dry V Blender
Used Patterson Kelly Twin Shell Dry V Blender with: Carbon steel constructed Maximum material density: 65 pounds per cubic foot 5 horsepower motor Capacity 40 cubic feet
Showing 106-120 of 130 Items