Used Proofer
21 Used Items
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A bakery proofer is a piece of equipment that warms the air around yeast dough, allowing it to rise at the proper temperature. The temperature must be warm enough to encourage fermentation, yet cool enough that the dough does not bake. This temperature range is typically 70-115 degrees Fahrenheit. A proofer also maintains proper humidity. A proofer can be used for the first rise of dough, known as bulk fermentation, or the final rise.
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Belshaw TM600 Stainless In Line Donut Proofer
Used Belshaw TM600 Donut Proofer with: Electronically controlled proofer environment Basket dimensions: 24 inches wide x 4 inches long Basket capacity: 6 donuts per basket Automatically controlled proofing...
Farhat Pita Bread Proofer and Sheeter
Used Farhat Pita Bread Proofer and Sheeter with: Proofer to sheeter line: Hopper Depositor/divider Proofer Sheeter Final proofer Production: 600-800 pieces/hour Weight: 1,900 kilograms ...
Gouet Proof Box Bulk Bid for lots 11-13 and proof box
Used Gouet Proof Box: 8 sections of 8 conveyor lanes Width: 6 inches Flight: 13 inches Lug height: 1.5 inches Disclaimer: **The equipment listed will be available for sale via auction on January...
Baxter DPC1S Stainless Steel Dehumidifier Proofer
Used Baxter DPC1S Stainless Steel Dehumidifier Proofer with: Interior dimensions: Depth: 37.8 inches Width: 32.6 inches Height: 74.5 inches Door opening dimensions: Width: 31 inches Height:...
Proofing System For Special Breads Up To 288 Peelboards an Hour
Used Proofing System with: Production speed: Nominal retarding time: 226 minutes with 288 peelboards/hour Nominal proofing time: 141 minutes with 288 peelboards/hour Nominal baking time: 23 minutes with...
Benier USA PRO L2232G Proofer
Used Benier USA PRO L2232G Proofer with: Capacities: up to 2,250 pieces per hour Dough weights: 100 to 1,200 grams Net loading: 192 pieces Sliding collecting trays in the lower frame ...
Baker's Aid 2 Door Stainless Steel Proofer
Used Baker's Aid 2 Door Proofer with: Moist air high humidity coills Refrigerant: R22 INterior dimensions: 29 inches deep x 30 inches wide Electrical: 115 volts / 1phase / 60 hz / 20 amp...
Bakers Aide 27" W x 28 L x 71" H Retarder Proofer
Used Bakers Aide Retarder Proofer with: Capacity: 1 Single Rack Stainless Steel Construction Electric Specs: 208-220v/60Hhz/1ph Interior Dimensios: 27 inches wide x 28 inches deep x 71 inches...
Convotherm WB7000 Holding Proofing Cabinet
Used Convotherm WB7000 Holding Proofing Cabinet with: 218,400 BTU per hour Steam generator: 109,200 BTU per hour Natural gas 8 sets tray slides with 27 adjustable slots Insulaed split doors ...
McCall 4001-H Stainless Steel 38 Cubic Foot Proofer
Used McCall Proofer with: Capacity: 38 cubic feet (approximately) Internal dimensions: Width: 26 inches Depth: 26 inches Height: 66.5 inches Max temperature: up to 160° F Stainless...
Doyon ER236 Double Door Roll-In Rack Proofer Retarder
Used Doyon Proofer Retarder with: Capacity: 2 single roll-in racks Includes: 1/4" Water inlet Heat & humidity control Electronic countdown timer Proofer temperature range:...
LBC Bakery Equipment LRP2 2 Door Stainless Steel Proofer
Used LBC Proofer with: 2 Door proofer Capacity: 4 Single racks Or 2 double racks Inside dimensions: Width: 68 inches Depth: 38 inches Height: 86 inches Stainless...
Hobart/Vulcan 4 Rack Roll-in Proofer
Used Hobart/Vulcan Proofer with: Capacity: 2 Door 4 Roll-in racks Includes interior lights Water line connection Adjustable temperature control Electrical specs: 220 volts, 60 Hz, 20 amps ...
Benier PR014111L Intermediate Proofer
Used Benier Intermediate Proofer with: Maximum proofer operating speed: 1,000 pieces per hour depending on materials and application Infeed style: single spacer Process range: Maximum: 3 pounds Minimum:...
Accutemp S64803D1073020 Steamer
Used Accutemp S64803D1073020 Steamer with: Water shield 12 pan capacity Width: 12 inches Length: 20 inches Height: 2.5 inches 8 pan capacity Width: 12 inches Length: 20 inches ...
Showing 1-15 of 21 Items