The Multivac R255 Thermoformer is a high-performance machine designed for efficient packaging solutions, particularly in the food industry. It utilizes advanced thermoforming technology to shape and seal flexible film or tray material around products, providing a secure and visually appealing package. Equipped with a user-friendly interface and quick-change tooling systems, the R255 ensures fast setup and minimal downtime. Its robust design and precise controls allow for consistent production quality and flexibility across a wide range of packaging applications.
- Advance length: 535 mm
- Edge trim: 39 mm
- Seal type: standard
- Forming depth: 130 mm
- Die center distance: 3955-4555 mm
- Knee free loading area: 2000 mm
- Maximum label backing strip width: 150 mm
- Maximum label width: 145 mm
- Machine discharge height: 1500 mm
- Trim removal attachment
- Intralox discharge conevyor system
Last sealing packs of bacon