Used Cadmach Equipment
2 Used Items
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Cadmach manufactures tablet presses for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, vitamin industries and more.
SIGMA Equipment buys, rents, and sells tablet presses and more.
- Cadmach
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Cadmach CPD IV-55 Rotary Tablet Press
Used Cadmach CPD IV-55 Rotary Tablet Press with: Double-sided and high-speed Rotary press 55 punch stations Filling depth: .67 inch Tablet diameter: .65 inch Tablet output: 396,000 tablets...
Cadmach BBC-45 Rotary Tablet Press
Used Cadmach BBC-45 Rotary Tablet Press with: Dual sided 4 ton maximum pressing force 45 stations 7/16 maximum pill diameter 11/16 maximum depth of fill Variable speed motor 2 feed frames...
Showing 1-2 of 2 Items