Used Sheeter

68 Used Items
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A dough sheeter or roller is an automatic machine that rolls and cuts the dough to the users measurements while creating a smooth, hole-free dough sheet ready for further thickness reduction or lamination. It works in much the same way as a manual roller works, but uses an automated process to feed the dough through rollers turning it into sheets until the desired thickness is reached.

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Artisan photo
Konig Artisan SFI 350 II M Stainless Steel Dough Sheeter

Used Konig Dough Sheeter with: Throughput: up to 1,200 kilograms per hour with firmer dough up to 500 kilograms per hour with softer dough Pneumatic agitated stampers Stamper dimensions: Length:...

SGRR photo
Rondo Rondinette SGRR Tabletop Croissant Former

Used Rondo Rondinette SGRR Tabletop Croissant Former with: Table top deisgn V belt width: 21 inches Felt belt dimensions: 44.5 inches x 10 inches Knurled red cap Knurled black cap Unloading...

440B photo
Moline 440B Sheeter Moulder

Used Moline Sheeter Molder with: Automatic Double pass Moulding plates: (1) 6 inches (1) 9 inches (1) 12 inches (1) roller chain PLEASE NOTE: Moulding chain size can be specified by buyer...

100 photo
Moline 100 Double Pass Automatic Sheeter Moulder

Used Moline Sheeter Moulder with: Double pass Automatic Belt width: 24.25 inches Roller width: 24 inches Moulding plates: (1) 6 inches (1) 10 inches (1) 13 inches Includes (1) roller chain:...

STM 513 photo
Rondo STM 513 Reversible Tabletop Bench Sheeter

Used Rondo STM 513 Bench Sheeter with: Designed for small size bakeries and food service kitchens Conveyor speed: 1,200 inches per minute Conveyor belt width: 18.75 inches wide Table width: 19.25...

Artisan SFC photo
Koenig Bakery Systems Artisan SFC Stainless Steel Dough Sheeter With Seeder

Used Koenig Dough Sheeter with: Artisan SFC Sheeter: Throughput: up to 300 kilograms of dough per hour depending on product and application Sheeting speed: up to 1,500 mm per minute depending on product...

unknown photo
Moline Sheeting Line 1 Meter Wide With Rotary Die Cutter

Used 1 Meter Wide Moline Sheeting Line: Output capacity: up to 30 feet per minute Line components Flour duster Starwheel chunker Rotary dough former Cross roller Flour duster First sheeting head...

LMA630 photo
Doyon LMA630 Reversible Dough Sheeter

The Doyon LMA630 Reversible Dough Sheeter combines precision and versatility, allowing you to effortlessly roll out dough to your desired thickness for a variety of baked goods. Its user-friendly design...

Tromp 42 Inch Wide Complete Sheeting Line Up To 5400 Pounds Per Hour

Used Tromp Sheeting Line: Currently uninstalled in storage: was running when removed Capacity: 5400 Lbs/Hr Belt speed: 2.1 meters per minute Dough lifting conveyor Dough chunker Multi Satellite Sheeter...

MRS11 photo
Acme MRS11 Stainless Steel Table Top Sheeter Up To 500 Pieces Per Hour

Produce smooth and consistent dough sheets for tortillas, pizzas, bread, pie and more with the Acme MRS11 Pizza Dough Roller. This commercial-grade piece of equipment is designed keeping in mind the demands of...

MRS11 photo
Acme MRS11 Stainless Steel Dough Sheeter

Used Acme Dough Sheeter with: Production speed: 400 to 500 pieces per hour, depending on operator and appliation Max product diameter: up to 18 inches Roller sizes: Top rollers: Diameter:...

MLR-30 photo
Manufacturas Lenin MLR--30 Tortilla Machine

Used Tortilla Machine with: Production speed: up to 24 torillas per minute, depending on application Tortilla diameter: Minimum: 10 centimeters Maximum: 20 centimeters Conveyor width:...

SSO 67 photo
Rondo SSO 67 Dough Sheeter

Used Rondo SSO 67 Dough Sheeter with: Discharge Speed: 23.5 inches per second Flour hopper capacity: 4 kilograms Belt Dimensions: Length: 60 inches Width: 24 inches (2) Roller Dimensions: ...

Rol-Sheeter 8 photo
Acme Rol-Sheeter 8 Stainless Steel Sheeter

Used Acme Rol-Sheeter with: Conveyor table: Length: 36 inches Width: 20 inches Processing rollers: Top: Diameter: 3.5 inches Length: 10 inches Bottom: ...

PR150 photo
Italgi PR150 Stainless Steel Ravioli Maker

Used Italgi ravioli maker with: Speed: up to 120 pieces per hour (depending on product specifications) Dough sheeter: Infeed height: 66 inches Hopper dimensions: Depth: 13.75 inches ...

Showing 1-15 of 68 Items

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