- Safeline Metal Detection (110)
- Loma Systems (71)
- Fortress Technology (58)
- Goring Kerr (56)
- Mettler-Toledo, LLC (38)
- Lock Inspection Systems (35)
- Eriez (21)
- Thermo Fisher Scientific (18)
- Cintex (12)
- Mettler Toledo Safeline (11)
- TDI Packsys (6)
- Ramsey Tecnoeuropa (6)
- CEIA (6)
- Mettler Toledo Product Inspection (4)
- Schneider Packaging Equip. Co. (4)
- Advanced Detection Systems (3)
- Anritsu Industrial Solutions USA (3)
- Thermo Gorring Kerr (3)
- Unique Metals (3)
- BMI (3)
- All Food Equipment (3)
- A&D Company, LTD (3)
Search Within Conveyor Metal Detector
Safeline Advantage Profile LS Metal Detector 4.9" H x 7.9" W
Used Safeline Metal Detector with: Effective aperture: Width: 7.8 inches Height: 4.9 inches Conveyor: Intralox belt type Belt width: 5.9 inches Reject method: air blast...
Safeline Advantage Profile LS Metal Detector 4.9" W x 7.9" H
Used Safeline Metal Detector with: Effective aperture: Width: 7.8 inches Height: 4.9 inches Conveyor: Intralox belt type Belt width: 5.9 inches Reject method: air blast...
22" Tall x 14.5" Wide Mettler Toledo Metal Detector with Exit Conveyor
Used 22" Tall Aperture Mettler Toledo Metal Detector and Exit Conveyor with: Aperture dimensions: Width: 14.5 inches Height: 22 inches Conveyor dimensions: Length: 47 inches Width: 14...
Loma IQ4 16"W x 4"H Aperture Metal Detector
Used Loma Metal Detector with: Aperture: Width: 16 inches Height: 4 inches Plastic belt conveyor Carriage retract reject with bin Temperature range: -10°C - 40°C Touch screen controls...
Loma IQ4 Metal Detector Conveyor with Retractable Conveyor Reject 53" W x 3" T
New Loma IQ4 Metal Detector Conveyor with: Working aperture: 53 inches wide x 3 inches tall Total aperture: 53 inches wide x 3.9 inches tall Retractable conveyor reject belt Complete stainless...
Goring Kerr DSP 2 12" H Metal Detector
Used Goring Kerr Metal Detector with: Aperture dimensions: Height: 12.75 inches Width: 16 inches Conveyor dimensions: Width: 16 inches Length: 96 inches Variable speed...
Safeline SL1500 5.75" by 13.75" Metal Detector
Used Safeline SL 1500 Metal Detector: Apperature dimensions: Width: 5.75 inches Length: 13.75 inches Belt width: 4.5 inches Guard rails: 10 inch height Air reject system On casters Air supply:...
TDI Packsys IMD-6020 26" by 9" Metal Detector
Used TDI Metal Detector with: Apperature dimensions: Width: 26 inches Height: 9 inches Detection width: 600 millimeters Conveyor belt width: 560 millimeters Belt speed: up to 70 meters per...
Loma Superscan Micro ISC Metal Detector
Used Loma metal detector with: Aperture diameter: 7 inches Belt conveyor Length: 180 inches Width: 4 inches Side rails Mounted on stainless steel frames Motor: 1.5 horsepower, 1725 rpm Set...
Fortress Phantom Automatic Metal Detector
Used Fortress metal detector with: Aperture dimensions: Width: 14 inches Height: 5.75 inches Flex link conveyor dimensions: Length: 72 inches Width: 12 inches Touch pad controller with...
Lock Inspection Systems 30CXE 9'H x 3.5"W Metal Detector
Used Lock Inspection Metal Detector with: Aperture: Height: 9 inches Width: 3.5 inches Plastic mat-top conveyor
Loma Metal Detector 16" W x 9" H
Used Loma Metal Detector with: Working aperture: Height: 9 inches Width: 16 inches Conveyor: Length: 83 inches Width: 16 inches Height: 30 inches Conveyor: plastic...
Safeline Mettler Toledo SL2000 Metal Detector
Used Safeline Metal Detector with: Air requirements: 80 PSI Aperture: Width: 49 inches Height: 3 1/8 inches Belt dimensions: Length: 166 inches Width: 49 inches Overall approximate dimensions: ...
Goring Kerr TEK DSP 11 Metal Detector 20" W x 7" H
Used Goring Kerr Metal Detector with: Conveyor dimensions: Height: 34 inches Width: 18 inches Length: 60 inches Detector Aperture: Width: 20 inches Height: 7 inches Electrical:...
Novus X-Ray C-30 Metal Detector 15" W x 6" H
Used Nova X-Ray with: Conveyor dimensions: Width: 12 inches Height: 33 inches Length: 60 inches X-ray aperture: Height: 6 inches Width: 15 inches X-ray type: CAB...
Showing 91-105 of 166 Items