Used Flaker and Shredder

28 Used Items
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Flakers and shredders are designed to break apart blocks of product, including frozen meats and cheeses. There are different methods these machines can use for processing the product. The machine can push the block of product into a rotating bladed drum to shave flakes from the block or two toothed, counter-revolving wheels shear the product and force it through a pre-defined space.

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Rotoclaw photo
Reiser Rotoclaw Stainless Steel Meat Flaker For Frozen Meat

The RotoClaw II breaks up hard frozen meat blocks without destroying the texture of the product. Its slow-speed rotor produces small pieces without aggravating noise. Piece size can be varied by using different...

M85E photo
SSI Shredding Systems M85E 150 HP Dual-Shear Shredder

The M85E Dual-Shear industrial shredder is a powerful machine used for reducing large items, destroying products, or pre-processing materials (primary shredding) when some variation in particle size is acceptable....

Mol d'Art Stainless Steel Chocolate Flaker

Used Mol d'Art Flaking Machine with: Production speed: up to 60 kilograms per hour Minimum product size: Length: 286 millimeters Width: 80 millimeters Maximum product size: Length: 428...

SH20001 photo
Carruthers SH20001 Stainless Steel Auto Shredder

Used Carruthers SH20001 Auto Shredder with: The Auto-shredder is a continuous flow machine with throughput exceeding 2,000 pounds per hour. Engineered to easily breakdown tough products such as cooked beef...

RE-15 photo
Rietz Extructor RE-15 Sanitary Stainless Steel Food Pulverizer

Used Reitz Food Pulverizer: Application: designed for grinding of cheese blocks Capacity: Size reduction: large blocks down to 3/16 - 1 inch Up to 13,000 pounds per hour, depending on product ...

PS441-045 SS photo
Product Saver Stainless Steel Reclaiming Machine

Used Product Saver With: Stainless steel construction Infeed: Length: 15 inches Width: 15 inches Height: 80 inches Bag discharge funnel: 12 inches wide Bag discharge height: 29 inches Bottom...

Auto-Shredder SH20001 photo
Carruthers AutoShredder Automatic Meat Shredder

Used Carruthers Shredder with: Capacity/output: up to 2,000 pounds per hour Cooked product applications: Beef Pork Poultry Includes: Infeed conveyor Pre-breaker (use optional)...

CJ-7200 HD photo
Johnson CJ-7200HD Stainless Steel Cheese Shredder

Used Johnson CJ-7200HD Cheese Shredder with: Production output rate: up to 7,200 pounds per hour depending on application Loave capacity: 5, 6, and 10 pound at (4) loaves per cycle 20 pound loaves at...

MJ-21015 Plant Muncher photo
High Yield Solutions MJ-21015 Plant Muncher / Shredder

Used High Yield Solutions MJ-21015 Plant Muncher / Shredder with: Capacity: up to 1500 pounds per hour (depending on product) Cutting chamber: 15 X 15 (inches) Shred size: 5/16 inch Cutters: hardened,...

Rotoclaw II photo
Reiser Rotoclaw II Frozen Block Meat Breaker And Flaker

Used Reiser Rotoclaw II: The Rotoclaw II Frozen Block Breaker is a rugged grinder that breaks up hard, frozen blocks without destroying the texture of the product Output: up to 10,000 pounds per hour depending...

RG 62/125 SWU photo
Vecoplan RG 62/125 SWU Single Shaft Retech Grinder

Used Vecoplan Single Shaft Shredder with: Hopper feed dimensions: Length: 68 inches Width: 62 inches Rotor diameter: 15 inches Number of cutters: 72 Temperature monitor controls ...

E-915 photo
Columbus McKinnon

Used Columbus McKinnon Tire Shredder with: Infeed dimensions: Length: 28 inches Width: 49 inches Knife width: 2.1 inches Painted steel construction Motor: 250 horsepower Electrical:...

Biro FBC 4800 SS Frozen Block Chipper

Used Biro Block Chipper with: Output: up to approximately 3,600 pounds per hour Product: Maximum block size (inches): 8 x 16.5 x 19.5 Recommended temperature: 15 - 25° Fahrenheit Reduced...

GoodNature X1 Juice Press Commercial Juicer

Used GoodNature Juicer with: Capacity: Maximum: 40 gallons of juice per hour Minimum: 20 gallons of juice per hour Up to 30 pounds per batch Adjustable pressing speed Accepts various size grinding...

GoodNature X1 Juice Press Commercial Juicer

Used GoodNature Juicer with: Capacity: Maximum: 40 gallons of juice per hour Minimum: 20 gallons of juice per hour Up to 30 pounds per batch Adjustable pressing speed Accepts various...

Showing 1-15 of 28 Items

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