- Urschel Laboratories, Inc. (200)
- Hobart (119)
- Grote Company (66)
- Treif Maschinenbau (58)
- Robot Coupe (45)
- FoodTools (34)
- BIRO Manufacturing (27)
- Bettendorf Stanford (21)
- Marel (15)
- Stephan Food Processing Machinery (15)
- Kramer Grebe (13)
- LeMatic Inc (13)
- Weber (12)
- Seydelmann (12)
- Carruthers (12)
- Ross Industries (12)
- Oliver (9)
- Brothers (9)
- Scanvaegt Systems (9)
- Kasel (9)
- Toby Enterprises (6)
- UCM (6)
- GMC (6)
- CRM (6)
- CMI Equipment and Engineering Co (6)
- holac (6)
- Formax (6)
- JBT Corporation (6)
- Bizerba USA, Inc. (6)
- North Star Engineered Products (6)
- Moline (6)
- AEW Delford (6)
- Anco (6)
- Berkel (6)
- Rietz (6)
- Reiser (6)
- Hosokawa Bepex GmbH (4)
- The Henry Group (4)
- Mol d'Art (4)
- Sormac (3)
- Sedova (3)
- COMAT (3)
- Leblanc (3)
- Armi (3)
- CP Food Machinery (3)
- Robert Reiser (3)
- Mepsco (3)
- SSI Shredding Systems (3)
- Regal Equipment Company (3)
- High Yield Solutions (3)
- Bizerba SE & Co.KG (3)
- Gaung Zhou Daqiao food (3)
- KILIA (3)
- Dadaux (3)
- Perfecta (3)
- Krämer Grebe (3)
- Fatosa (3)
- Mozley MFG. Co., Inc. (3)
- Emura Food Machine Co. (3)
- Johnson (3)
- Karl Rabofsky (3)
- Fortuna (3)
- Vecoplan (3)
- Shaver Specialty Co. (3)
- Johnson Cheese Equipment, Inc. (3)
- Textor (3)
- Pre-Pack Machinery, Inc. (3)
- Bettcher (3)
- BlueDog International Inc (3)
- Nissui (3)
- Norfo (3)
- Polar Mohr (3)
- Columbus McKinnon Corporation (3)
- Backus Sormac BV (3)
- Cato (3)
- Promax Packaging Solutions (3)
- Turatti (3)
- Baader Food Processing Machinery (3)
- Tosei Kogyo (3)
- AK Robins (3)
- Donaldson Torit (3)
- Bepex (3)
- Cashin Systems Corp (3)
- Griffin (3)
- AandB Packing Equipment (3)
- Thunderbird Food Machinery (3)
- Vanmark (3)
- Toledo (3)
- Heinzen Manufacturing International (3)
- Titan (3)
- Casa Herrera (3)
- GEA (3)
- FitzMill (3)
- Conair Group (3)
- ABL (3)
- Rondo (3)
- Marchant Schmidt, Inc. (3)
- United Bakery Equipment Co. (3)
- Unknown (3)
- UltraSource (3)
- Weber Slicer (3)
- Lyco Manufacturing Inc. (3)
- Butcher Boy - American Meat Equipment LLC (3)
Search Within Cutter and Slicer
Perfecta 115 High Speed Paper 45.5" Wide Blade Cutter
Used Perfecta 115 High Speed Cutter with: Blade width: 45.5 inches wide Suitable for sheets of paper, films, foils, rubber, leather, sandpaper, and many other materials in the form of piles or in single....
Krämer Grebe VSM 65 Stainless Steel Vacuum Bowl Cutter Chopper
Used Krämer Grebe VSM 65 SS Vacuum Bowl Cutter Chopper with: Bowl capacity: 65 liters Optimum batch size for productions: boiled sausages: 52 kilograms cooked sausages: 46 kilograms raw sausages: 29...
Guang Xhou Daqiao Food Stainless Steel 6GXD-13 Fruit And Vegatable Peeler
Used Gaung Zhou Fruit and Vegetable Pealer with: Production speed: up to 13-20 ppm, depending on application Product aperture (inches): Width: 5 Height: 6 Belt dimensions (inches): Length: 72...
Grote S/A-2530 2-Head Stainless Steel Pendulum Slicer/Applicator
Used Grote S/A-2530 2-Head Pendulum Slicer/Applicator with: Output: Slice and apply: up to 176 strokes per minute, per lane Bulk slice, stacks & shingles: 120 strokes per minute, per lane Capabilities: ...
Ross 950-6 Dual Lane Stainless Steel Slicer
Used Ross 950-6 Dual Lane Slicer with: Speed: up to 100 slices per minute, per chute Slice thickness: Minimum: 0 millimeters Maximum: 45 millimeters Chute dimensions (2): Length: 4.75 inches...
Grote S/A-530 Stainless Steel Pendulum Slicer
Used Grote S/A-530 Pendulum Slicer and SL-30 Applicator with: Output: Slice and apply: up to 176 strokes per minute, per lane Bulk slice, stacks and shingles: 120 strokes per minute, per lane Capabilities:...
Sedova CEL 350 Ultrasonic Cheese Cutter
Used Sedova CEL 350 Cheese Cutter with: Output: 50 to 120 strokes per minute Round wheels: 180 to 400 millimeter diameter 304 stainless steel Cuts rectangular logs into portions Cuts...
Oliver 797-32 Semi Automatic Bread Slicer
Used Oliver Semi Automatic Bread Slicer with: Model: 797-32 Loaf size: up to 16 inches long x 5 inches tall Slice spacing: 1/2 inches 32 inch chute Mild steel construction Interchangeable blades...
Seydelman K123Ras 100 Liter 42" Diameter Bowl Chopper
Used Seydelmann Bowl Chopper with: Capacity: 100 liters Bowl dimensions (inches): Diameter: 42 Depth: 9 Infeed height: 34 inches Discharge dimensions (inches): Width: 15 Diameter: 17...
Grote S/A-522 Stainless Steel Pendulum Slicer Applicator
Used Grote Slicer Applicator with: Capacity: Dual lane, dual product chute system Applicator: up to 150 strokes per minute, per lane Stacking/shingling: up to 120 strokes per minute, per lane ...
Robot Coupe R23 Series A Bowl Chopper
Used Robot Coupe Bowl Chopper with: Model: R23 Capacity: 25 quart Hopper dimensions: Diameter: 14 inches Depth: 12 inches Tilting stainless steel bowl Ploycarbonate lid (2) Speed control...
Grote S/A-530 Stainless Steel Pendulum Slicer and SL-30 Applicator
Used Grote S/A-530 Pendulum Slicer and SL-30 Applicator with: Output: Slice and apply: up to 176 strokes per minute, per lane Bulk slice, stacks & shingles: 120 strokes per minute, per lane Capabilities: ...
Provisur Cashin 3027 Stainless Steel Continuous Bacon Slicer
The Cashin bulk bacon slicer provides bacon processors a significant competitive edge by delivering increased yields, greater throughput and accurate slice count control. Minimal giveaway at high production speeds...
Grote HS-640-3 Stainless Steel High Speed Slicer
Used Grote Slicer with: Application: typically used for bacon lines but can be used for other products Capacity/output: (3) Slice lanes Up to 400 strokes per minute, per lane Slice thickness:...
Lematic BF-15 Stainless Steel Band Slicer with Floating Top Conveyor
Used Lematic BF-15 Stainless Steel Band Slicer with Floating Top Conveyor with: Output: Up to 800 pieces per minute Maximum product height clearance: 3 inches Plastic Intralox conveyor Conveyor dimensions: ...
Showing 121-135 of 402 Items