Rental Equipment: Case Packer and Tray Packer

12 Rental Items
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This type of equipment is used to fill a case or tray with product, typically in preparation for storage or shipping. Case packers come in many varieties from automatic to semi-automatic, with cases typically fed from the top, bottom or side. Common case styles include RSC, HSC, and FOL/POL. Many case or tray packers can be modified to fit specialized container types.

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CP-15 photo
Hamrick CP-15 Gantry Style Robotic Pick And Place Case Packer For Round And Non Round, Up To 15 CPM

The Hamrick CP15-R Series is a gantry style pick & place case packer designed to pack a single case per cycle at speeds up to 15+ cases per minute. These machines feature a servo case indexing system, a Hamrick-designed...

2-EZ HS 30 Ergopack photo
Combi 2-EZ HS 30 Ergopack Case Erector and Seal System

Efficient and durable, the Ergopack® combines a case erector, a hand pack station, and a sealer into a compact and cost-effective work cell. This ergonomically designed pick and pack system features a hands-free...

2-EZ HS 30 Ergopack photo
Combi 2-EZ HS 30 Ergopack Case Erector and Seal System

Efficient and durable, the Ergopack® combines a case erector, a hand pack station, and a sealer into a compact and cost-effective work cell. This ergonomically designed pick and pack system features a hands-free...

BEL 505,BEL 252 photo
Belcor Bel 505 and Bel 252 Case Sealing System

Used Belcor Bel 252 Sealer and Bel 505 Hand Pack System with: Semi-automatic case erector and top and bottom case sealer designed to assist in hand-packing operations Output: 15 to 20 cases per minute depending...

3DP photo
Combi Packaging System 3DP Drop Packer with Top and Bottom Case Sealer

The Combi drop packer with case erector is an ultra-compact solution for packing the widest range of rigid containers. This exclusive design integrates a case erector and case packer into the smallest footprint...

ErgoPack photo
Combi ErgoPack Hand Packing Station with Top and Bottom Case Sealer

Used Combi ErgoPack With: Output: Up to 12 cases per minute Left hand cases Magazine: Up to 54 inches wide x 42 inches high Ergopack hand pack station Plastic tabletop product conveyor Length: 18...

SPP photo
Combi Servo Case Erector Packer with TB100 Top and Bottom Case Taper

Used Combi SSP Servo Case Packer and Sealer with: Automatic servo pick and place case loader, erector and sealer Right hand cases TBS 100 top and bottom taper Tape heads: 2 inches Production output...

1CE photo
Combi 1CE and TB1 Ergopack Left Hand Semi-Automatic Hand Pack Case Erector System

Used Combi 1CE Case Erector and TB1 Tape Case Sealer Ergopack Hand Pack System with: Output: up to approximately 12 cases per minute, depending on case size, product, and operator dexterity Semi-automatic...

VP15 photo
Pearson VP15 Semi Automatic Hand Packing System for Cases

Used Pearson VP15 Case Erector and Packing Station with: Semi-automatic, hand packing system for cases Erects and bottom seals cases with tape Output: up to 15 cases per minute, depending on operator dexterity...

BEL 252 photo
Belcor Bel 505 and Bel 252 Case Sealing System

Used Belcor Bel 252 Sealer and Bel 505 Hand Pack System with: Semi-automatic case erector and top and bottom case sealer designed to assist in hand-packing operations Output: 15 to 20 cases per minute depending...

2-EZHS,TB1 photo
Combi ErgoPack Hand Packing Station with Top and Bottom Case Sealer

Used Combi Ergopack Hand Packing System with: The innovative Combi Ergopack has raised the standard for hand packing productivity. Efficient and durable, the Ergopack combines a case erector, a hand pack station,...

Caser photo
Econocorp Econoseal Caser 9240 Stainless Steel Side-Load Case Packer

Used Econoseal 9240 Case Packer with: Output: up to 10 cases per minute, depending on case size and other factors Case size range: Minimum: 8 inches x 6 inches x 4 inches Maximum: 24 inches x 16 inches...

Showing 1-12 of 12 Items

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