Used Bakery Equipment

401 Used Items
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860L photo
Oliver / Bloemhof 860L Bread & Roll Moulder

Used Bloemhof Moulder with: Application: designed for high protein flour & long fermentation doughs Output: up to 3,600 dough pieces per hour Product weigh range: Minimum: 0.5 ounces ...

P5U  photo
Nussex P5U Dough Divider and Rounder

Used Dough Divider and Rounder with: Dividing plate diameter: 16 inches Number of divisions: 36 Maximum portion weight: 4 ounces Lever operation (12) white rounding plates (11) red rounding...

PC20 photo
Panirecord PC20 Dough Divider

Used Dough Divider with: Output: up to 1000 pieces an hour at 20 divisions Number of divisions: 20 Division size: Length: 120 millimeters Width: 80 millimeters Dough piece weight...

Black Bros Co. Hot Roll Paper Laminator

Used Black Bros Co. laminator with: Roller dimensions: Length: 48 inches Diameter (3): 7 inches 6 inches 2 inches (2) Motors: 1.5 horsepower Stainless Steel contact parts Operator...

PR150 photo
Italgi PR150 Stainless Steel Ravioli Maker

Used Italgi ravioli maker with: Speed: up to 120 pieces per hour (depending on product specifications) Dough sheeter: Infeed height: 66 inches Hopper dimensions: Depth: 13.75 inches ...

Dutchess BM-36 Manual Dough Divider

Used Dutchess Dough Divider with: Application: ideal for dividing all yeast raised doughs 36 Part divider Weigh range per piece: Minimum: 1 ounce Maximum: 4 ounces Cast iron plugs,...

ML150 photo
ONV ML150 Empanada Maker

Used ONV Empanada Maker with: Speed: up to 2000 pieces per hour (depending on product size and specifications) Product width: Minimum: 2.25 inches Maximum: 5.5 inches Hopper: Capacity:...

CDR-500 photo
Somerset Industries CDR-500 Stainless Steel Tabletop Dough Sheeter

Used Somerset Tabletop Sheeter with: Sheets dough up to 20 inches wide Sheets 500-600 pcs. per hour Rollers: Diameter: 3.5 inch Length: 20 inch Scrapers: Synthetic Spring...

Hinds Bock 5 Head Stainless Steel Muffin Depositor

Used Hinds Bock Depositor with: Output: 900 - 1,300 dozen per hour using 5 heads Hopper: Stainless steel Capacity: approximately 40 gallons Dimensions (inches): 42 long x 25 wide x 19 deep...

R-900 photo
AM Manufacturing R-900 Rounder

Used AM Manufacturing Rounder with: Weigh range: 1-32 ounces Stainless steel construction Electrical: 115 volts, 60 hz, phase 1

SCM-B1 photo
Unifiller SCM-B1 Mini Depositor

Used Depositor with: Speed: up to 3600 deposits per hour Deposit width: Minimum: .5 inches Maximum: 3 inches Hopper capacity: 35 pounds Stainless steel construction Single pitch auger 0.75...

CDR-2000 photo
Somerset CDR-2000 20" Countertop Two Stage Dough Sheeter

Used Somerset CDR-2000 20" Countertop Two Stage Dough Sheeter with: Max diameter of dough: 20 inches Output: 500-600 pieces of dough an hour Synthetic non-stick rollers standard Handle adjustments...

SDR-400 photo
Somerset SDR-400 Dough Rounder

Used Somerset SDR-400 Dough Rounder with: Production: 7200 pieces per hour Rounds dough from: 1 ounce to over 36 ounces Stick-resistant dough intake Produces airtight ball with uniform round shape...

LBC Bakery Equipment LRP2 2 Door Stainless Steel Proofer

Used LBC Proofer with: 2 Door proofer Capacity: 4 Single racks Or 2 double racks Inside dimensions: Width: 68 inches Depth: 38 inches Height: 86 inches Stainless...

AM Manufacturing Scale-O-Matic S300 Dough Divider Rounder

Used Scale-O-Matic Divider Rounder with: Single pocket divider Output: up to 2,000 pieces per hour, depending on size Weight/scale range: Minimum: 10 ounces Maximum: 32 ounces Hopper...

Showing 151-165 of 401 Items

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