- VMI Mixing Company
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VMI Mixers SPI400DAVI 400 Liter Dual Spiral Mixer
Used VMI Spiral Mixer with: Capacity: Flour: 344 pounds Overall bowl capacity: 400 Liters 105 Gallons Double agitation: 2 Spiral hooks Tool motor kW: 17 / 37 ...
VMI Mixers SPI 400DAVI 250KG Double Spiral Mixer
Used VMI Mixer with: Application: kneading rich, stiff & low hydrated dough Capacity: Flour: 156 kg / 343 pounds Water: 94 liters / 24.8 gallons Dough capacity: 542 pounds Mixing...
2 VMI SPI 550 120 Liter Capacity Spiral Mixers
Used 2 VMI SPI 550 120 Liter Capacity Spiral Mixers with: Price is for 2 mixers, 3 bowls, and 1 bowl lift 120 liter capacity (31.7 gallons) per bowl 3 bowls total are included Removable bowls, locking...
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