Used GEA Tiromat Equipment
2 Used Items
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Tiromat GEA Tiromat supplies technology and sustainable solutions for food processing industries and production processes. Their manufacturing focus is on machinery, plants and process technology and components.
SIGMA Equipment offers stainless rollstock thermoformers, compact thermoformers and more.
- GEA Tiromat
Search Within GEA Tiromat
The SIGMA acquistions team can help find what you're looking for.
GEA Tiromat 660 Stainless Rollstock Thermoformer
Used Tiromat 660 Stainless Rollstock Thermoformer with: Currently running a 3-inch wide label Output: up to 14 cycles per minute, depending on tray size Machine flow: left to right Lane width: 10 inches...
Tiromat Type 660 Stainless Rollstock Thermoformer
Used Tiromat Type 660 Rollstock Thermoformer with: Digital control panel Unitized stainless steel base Output: up to 14 cycles per minute, depending on tray size Film width: 23.5 inches Film...
Showing 1-2 of 2 Items