Used SPX FLOW Pump Equipment

4 Used Items
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060 U2 photo
SPX Waukesha 060 U2 Positive Displacement Pump With 10 Horsepower Motor

The Waukesha Cherry-Burrell Universal 2 Positive Displacement Pump takes the "Can Do" Universal 1 pump to the next level. Featuring advanced sanitation technology, the Universal 2 also has improved performance...

030 U2 photo
Waukesha SPX Flow 030 U2 Universal Positive Displacement Pump

Used SPX Flow 030 U2 Universal Positive Displacement Pump with: The SPX Flow 030 U2 Universal Positive Displacement Pump is a versatile and reliable pump designed for handling a wide range of fluids, including...

134 U2 photo
SPX Waukesha 134 U2 Positive Displacement Pump

Used SPX Waukesha Positive Displacement Pump: Flow rate: 101 gallons per minute Rated pressure: 300 psi Inlet size: Length: 9.38 inches Width: 3.19 inches Outlet size: 3 inches ...

220 U2 photo
SPX 220 U2 Stainless Steel Rotary Lobe Pump

Used SPX Pump with: Flow rate: approximately 310 gallons per hour Tri-clamp inlet & outlet: Diameter: 4 inches each Outlet reduced to 2 inches Feed hopper: Stainless steel ...

Showing 1-4 of 4 Items

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