Used Peerless Food Equipment

19 Used Items
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SD9 photo
Peerless SD9 2800 Lb Capacity Single Sigma Mixer

Used Peerless Single Sigma Mixer with: Capacity: Bowl volume: 66 cubic feet Mix capacity: 2,800 pounds 100 Horsepower Jacketed: cooling End to end canopy: Sanitary flour gate...

WPD0628CA  photo
Peerless WPD0628CA Stainless Steel 6-Spot Depositor with Programmable Portioning

Used Fedco Peerless WPD0628CA 6-Spot Depositor with: Hopper dimensions: Length:46 inches Width: 31 inches Depth: 19 inches Cantilever design, sits over an existing conveyor line Height clearance:...

13HD photo
Peerless 1300 Lb Stainless Steel Roller Bar Mixer

Used Peerless Mixer with: Capacity: Dough capacity: 1,300 pounds Flour capacity: 700 pounds Base volume: 41.3 cubic feet Canopy mounted: (2) Liquid inlets Sanitary flour inlett:...

Vicars photo
Peerless Jacketed 2100 Pound Sigma Blade Mixer

Used Spooner Vicars Peerless Sigma Blade Mixer with: Approximate capacity: 2,100 pounds Approximate mixing bowl capacity: 380 gallons Dimensions: 53 inches wide x 36 inches tall x 48 inches deep ...

Showing 16-19 of 19 Items

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