Used Patterson Kelley Equipment

99 Used Items
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Patterson Kelly 60 Cu Ft Jacketed Vacuum Rated Twin Shell Blender

Used 60 Cubic Foot Patterson Kelley Twin Shell Solids Processor with: Rated 50 pounds per cubic feet material density Internal: full vacuum at 200°F Jacket rating: 15 psi at 200°F XP motor drive...

Patterson Kelley 3 Cubic Foot V-Blender

Used Patterson Kelley 3 Cubic Foot Solids Process with: Capacity: 3 cubic feet Twin shell system Maximum temperature: 250 degrees fahrenheit Pressure rating: 30 PSI Butterfly valve discharge: 6 inches...

1 Cu Ft photo
Patterson Kelley 1 Cubic Foot SS Twin Shell V Blender

Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Capacity: 1 cubic foot Inclucdes: 2 Charge ports with covers Bottom center discharge outlet Maximum density: 500 pounds per cubic foot Driven...

1 Cu Ft photo
Patterson Kelley 1 Cubic Foot SS Twin Shell V Blender

Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Capacity: 1 cubic foot Includes: 2 Charge ports with covers Bottom discharge outlet: Diameter: 6 inches Butterfly valve Starter...

Patterson-Kelley 16/8 Quart Blend Master Lab V-Blender

Used Patterson-Kelley Lab Blender with: Capacity: Plexiglass body 1 Capacity: 16 quarts Charge port: 9 inch diameter Plexglass body 2 Capacity: 8 quarts Charge...

Patterson Kelley 10 Cubic Foot Twin Shell Dry V-Blender

Used Patterson-Kelley Twin V-Blender with: Capacity: 10 cubic feet Opening diameter: 18 inches Includes intensifier bar Infeed height: 54 inches Butterfly door diameter: 8 inches Motor: 7.5...

50 Cu Ft photo
Patterson Kelley 50 Cubic Foot SS Twin Shell V Blender

Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Capacity: 50 cubic feet Includes: Bottom outlet: 10 inches diameter (no valve) (2) Charge ports w quick change covers: 18 inches diameter Intensifier bar: driven...

Patterson Kelley 75 Cubic Ft. Stainless Steel Twin Shell Blender With Liquids Solid Bars

Used Patterson Kelly V-Blender With: Capacity: 75 Cubic Feet Pneumatic valve Maximum density: 60 pounds per cubic foot Driven by a 20 horsepower motor Covers and bar included Electrical requirements:...

Patterson Kelly 75 Cubic Ft. Stainless Steel Twin Shell Liquids Solids Blender

Used Patterson Kelley V-Blender With: Capacity: 75 cubic feet Driven by 7.5 and 20 horsepower motor Pnuematic Valve Cover included Bar not included Maximum density: 60 pounds per cubic foot...

2 Cuft photo
Patterson Kelley 2 CuFt Twin Shell V Blender

Used Patterson Kelley Twin Shell V Blender with: Previously used in pharmaceutical industry Capacity: 2 cubic feet Density rated: 60 pounds per cubic foot Provisions for liquid/solids dispersion bar (No...

Patterson Kelley 1 Cu Ft Stainless Steel Twin Shell V Blender

Used Patterson Kelley V Blender with: Size: 1 cubic foot Type: twin shell Stainless contact Top covers Maximum density: 500 lbs per cubic foot TEFC gear motor .75 Horsepower Electrics:...

30 Cu Ft photo
Patterson-Kelley 30 Cu Ft Stainless Steel V-Blender

Used Patterson Kelly V-Blender with: Mixing capacity: 30 cubic feet Standard support stands Dual clamp charge covers Butterfly discharge valve Extension stands

3 Cu Ft photo
Patterson-Kelley 3 Cu Ft SS Twin Shell V-Blender

Used Patterson Kelley V-Blender with: 3 cubic foot capacity (2) infeed ports with covers Bottom center discharge port Maximum density: 110 pounds per cubic foot Includes intensifier bar Electrical:...

30 Cu Ft photo
Patterson Kelley 30 Cu Ft Twin Shell Dry V Blender Mixer

Used Patterson Kelley Twin Shell Dry V Blender Mixer with: Capacity: 30 cubic feet at 55 pounds per cubic foot density Motor: Mixer: 3 horse power Breaker bar: 15 horse power Control box Mounted...

40 Cubic Foot  photo
Patterson Kelley 40 Cubic Foot SS Twin Shell V Blender

Used Patterson Kelly V Blender with: Capacity: 40 Cubic Feet Includes: (2) Charge ports Bottom center discharge outlet Intensifier bar with separate drive Maximum density: 65 pounds per cubic...

Showing 16-30 of 99 Items

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