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Arpac BPMP 5341 Registered Film Bundler
Used Arpac BPMP 5341 Shrink Bundler with: Up to 60 packages a minute Product size range: Length: 3 - 12 inches Width: 6 - 18 inches Height: 3 - 12 inches Film: Max film width: 26 inches ...
Arpac 107-20 Non-Registered Supported Multipack Shrink Bundler
Used Arpac 107-20 Multipack Shrink Bundler with: Multipacker bundler upstacker Double stacks product Infeed conveyor belt width: 6 inches Infeed height: 32 inches Product width: 9.875 inches Product...
Arpac Capra 120LS-SS Shrink Bundler with Lugged Infeed and Shrink Tunnel
Used Arpac Capra 120LS-SS Shrink Bundler with: Lugged infeed dimensions: 90 inches long x 21 inches wide Lug centers: 23 inches Infeed height: 35.5 inches Outfeed height: 35.5 inches Vacuum hold...
Showing 1-3 of 3 Items