Search Within APV
The SIGMA acquistions team can help find what you're looking for.
APV Evaporator
Used APV Evaporator with: Design temperature: 200 degrees Fahrenheit at full vacuum Test: 70 degrees Fahrenheit at 28" Hg
APV Crepaco HD620 Thermutator
Used APV Crepaco HD620 Thermutator with: Triple scraped surface package mounted heat exchanger 3 to 6 inch diameter x 20 inch scraped surface heat exchangers mounted horizontally 6 square feet each...
APV Anhydro Fluid Bed Agglomerator
Used APV Anhydro Fluid Bed Agglomerator with: Stainless steel construction 12 inch wide x 9 foot long perforated pan bed Dual 2 kilowatt 220/3008 volt 2900 rpm vibro motors Top feed 18 inch diameter...
APV 300 Gallon Single Wall Liquefier Blender
Used APV 300 Gallon Single Wall Liquefier Blender with: Capacity: approximately 300 gallons Stainless steel construction Tank dimensions: 38 inches x 38 inches x 57 inches deep 12 inch diameter...
Crepaco 2000 Gallon Jacketed Process Tank
Used Crepaco 2000 Gallon Jacketed Process Tank with: Dome top Stainless steel construction 2.5 inch diameter clamp outlet Wide sweep agitation 1 heat exchange zone 50 PSI rated jacket 84...
Showing 31-35 of 35 Items