Used Vacuum Bag Sealer

105 Used Items
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8490 photo
Cryovac 8490 Stainless Steel Vertical Vacuum Packager

Vacuum packaging of various products into barrier bags. Cook-in products such as emulsion sectioned and formed or whole muscle turkey, ham, and beef products. An automated bag loading system and rotary vacuum chamber...

GK501 photo
SuperVac GK501 Inline Vacuum Bag Sealer Up To 3 Cycles PEr Minute

Used SuperVac GK501 Sealer: Inline vacuum bag sealer Output: up to 3 cycles per minute depending on the application Seal bar dimensions: Length: 39.37 inches (1000mm) Space between bars: 21.65 inches...

Corr-Vac Mark III photo
CV-Tek Corr-Vac MK III 30" Wide Impulse Vacuum Bag Sealer

Used M-Tek Mark III Bag Sealer: Seal bar length: 30 inches Vacuum pump 2 hand control safety system M-Tek Controller Electrical: Volts: 480 Frequency: 60 HZ Phase 3 Stainless steel construction...

C200 photo
Multivac C200 Single Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Used Multivac C200 Single Chamber Vacuum Sealer with: Chamber dimensions: Length: 355 millimeters Width: 465 millimeters Height: 150 millimeters Seal bar length: 465 millimeters Number of seal...

450A photo
Sipromac 450A Single Chamber Stainless Steel Vacuum Sealer

Used Sipromac 450A Single Chamber Vacuum Sealer with: Speed: 1 cycle per 45 seconds Seal bar dimensions: Length: 19.1 inches Distance between bars: 23 inches Chamber dimensions: Length: 18...

Vac 3/C photo
Geba-Vac 3/C Single Chamber Stainless Steel Vacuum Sealer

Used Geba-Vac 3/C Single Chamber Vacuum Sealer with: Capacity: up to 1 cycle per minute Chamber size: Length: 850 millimeters Width: 595 millimeters Depth: 100 millimeters Seal bar dimensions:...

A-200 photo
CVP Systems A-200 Overhead Modified Atmosphere Bag Sealer 57" Seal Bar

Used CVP Systems A-200 Overhead Modified Atmosphere Bag Sealer with: The CV-TekĀ® A-200 Overhead model line brings the advantages of Modified Atmosphere Packaging to large and bulk items. Full pallets and bins...

A-300 photo
CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw

Used CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw with: Compact , portable and easy to use, the A-300 PLC serves a wide range of applications. Available as a tabletop unit or supported by an optional...

A-300 photo
CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw

Used CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw with: Compact , portable and easy to use, the A-300 PLC serves a wide range of applications. Available as a tabletop unit or supported by an optional...

A-300 photo
CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw

Used CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw with: Compact , portable and easy to use, the A-300 PLC serves a wide range of applications. Available as a tabletop unit or supported by an optional...

A-300 photo
CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw

Used CVP Systems A-300 Vacuum Bag Sealer 34" Seal Jaw with: Compact , portable and easy to use, the A-300 PLC serves a wide range of applications. Available as a tabletop unit or supported by an optional...

P600 photo
MultiVac P600 Swing-Lid, Double-Chamber Stainless Steel Vacuum Sealer

Used Multivac vacuum sealer with: (4) Seal bar length: 23.6 inches Usable chamber dimensions: Length: 23.6 inches Width: 19.7 inches Height: 6.3 inches Automatic progressive ventilation Push...

PHDV-48 photo
Promax PHDV-48 Vacuum Impulse Bag Sealer

Used Promax PHDV-48 Vacuum Impulse Bag Sealer with: Single heating element Seal dimensions: Width: 0.25 inches Length: 48 inches Seal nozzle length: 7 iinches Self contained with...

A-600 photo
CVP Systems Fresh Vac A-600 Vacuum Sealer

Used CVP A-600 Vacuum Sealer with: Effective seal length: 28.5 inches Bag lengths: Minimum: 6.5 inches Maximum: 19 inches Variable logic heat seal controls PLC programming with 11 preset modes...

Sipromac 600A Dual Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Used Sipromac 600A Dual Chamber Vacuum Sealer with: Seal bar dimensions: Length: 27 inches Distance between seal bars: 22.5 inches Chamber dimensions: Length: 30 inches Width:...

Showing 30-44 of 105 Items

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