Used Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector

138 Used Items
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HPE2000-RH-C photo
MARQ HPE2000-RH-C Right Hand Case Erector

Used Marq Case Erector with: Output: up to 10 cases per minute Right hand case erector sealer 2 inch tape head Minimum case size: 10 inches long x 8 inches wide x 6 inches tall ...

2EZM photo
Combi 2EZM Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector

Used Combi 2EZM Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector with: Automatic operation Output: up to 12 cases per minute, depending on case size Stainless guarding Case size range: Minimum: 6 inches long...

GPK 40 photo
Gurkipack GPK 40 Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector

Used Gurkipack GPK 40 Case Erector with: Forming and sealing speed: 12 cartons per minute Magazine storage quantity: 100 pieces Carton size: Length: Maximum: 450 millimeters Minimum: 250...

CF20T photo
Loveshaw Little David CF20T Case Erector and Taper

Used Loveshaw Little David Case Erector Taper Model CF20T with: Case dimensions: length: 6 inches minimum to 16 inches maximum width: 6 inches minimum to 12 inches maximum height: 4 inches...

CE35-20T photo
Pearson CE35-20T Case Erector & Bottom Case Taper

Used Pearson CE35-20T Case Erector and Bottom Case Taper with: Production output rate: 20 cases per minute Knocked-down sizes: Minimum 20 length x 14.5 width (inches) Maximum 50 length x 42...

R235-T photo
R.A. Pearson Co. R235-T Tape Style Case Erector

Used R.A. Pearson R235-T Tape Style Case Erector with: Production output rate: Up to 35 cases per minute, depending on size Erected case dimensions: Minimum 8.75 length x 5 width x 5 height...

R235 photo
Pearson R235 High Capacity Tape Case Erector

Used Pearson Packaging R235-IT Tape Case Erector with: Output: up to 25 cases depending on case size Allen Bradley PLC 2 inch tape head 1/6 speed jog-shuttle control Quick 3 minute changeover...

Handy 10 photo
StanTech Handy 10 Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector

Used StanTech Handy 10 Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector with: Tape bottom seal case erector 2 inch tape head Vacuum pick Touch screen controls Stainless steel construction Automatic blank infeed

CE35-20T photo
Pearson CE35 20T Bottom Tape Seal Case Erector

Used Pearson Case Erector with: Capacity/output: up to 35 cases per minute Case size range: Minimum (inches): 8.75 long x 5 wide x 5.65 high Maximum (inches): 23.5 long x 16 wide x 18.5 high ...

KE300TH photo
Klippenstein KE300TH Tape Bottom Case Erector

Used Klippenstein KE300TH Tape Bottom Case Erector with: Capacity: up to 20 cases per minute Vertical gravity hopper Hopper capacity: up to 24 inches Manual adjustments Personnel guarding Air...

KE800TH photo
Klippenstein KE800TH Heavy Duty Tape Case Erector

Used Klippenstein KE800TH Tape Case Erector with: Fully automatic, heavy duty case erector Previously ran right hand cases Left to right product flow Cases are erected and sealed on their side ...

HPE2001-26/RH/C photo
MARQ HPE2001-26/RH/C Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector

Used MARQ HPE2001-26/RH/C Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector with: Tape head width: 2 inches Infeed length: 42 inches Case sizes: Maximum: 20 inches long x 15 inches wide x 15 inches deep Minimum:...

CF-40T photo
Little David CF-40T Right Hand Case Erector

Used Little David CF-40T Right Hand Case Erector with: Bottom flap taper using 2 inch tape head Powered, horizontal hopper for easy loading Hand crank adjustments Tape specifications: Width:...

WF-20T,WF20T photo
Wexxar WF20T Tape Bottom Seal Case Erector

Used Wexxar Case Erector with: Output: up to 20 cases per minute Case size range: Minimum (inches): 7.25 long x 7.25 wide x 6 high Maximum (inches): 18 long x 14 wide x 15 high ...

WFT photo
Wexxar WFT Case Erector Bottom Tape Sealer

Wexxar WFT Case Erector with: Output: up to 20 cases per minute Case size range: Minimum (inches): 7 long x 6 wide x 6 high Maximum (inches): 22 long x 17 high x 20 high Magazine: ...

Showing 91-105 of 138 Items

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