Used Semi-Automatic Case Packer

4 Used Items
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This type of case packer can accommodate a wide range of products. Semi-automatic case packers require a person to insert the box to be filled, and some require a person to remove it after it is filled.

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Blueprint Automation Semi Automatic Case Packer

Used Blueprint Automation Case Packer with: Infeed conveyor: 13.5 inches wide x 64 inches long Discharge conveyor: 15.5 inches wide x 75 inches long Product conveyor: 12.5 inches wide...

5151 photo
Wexxar Bel 5151U with 3 inch Taper

The Wexxar BEL 5151U with a three-inch taper is the ultimate solution for precise and efficient case sealing in high-demand packaging environments. Designed with versatility and reliability in mind, this top-of-the-line...

Econopacker photo
Econocorp Econopack Semi-Automatic Case Packer

Used Econocorp Case Packer with: Output: Up to 10 cases per minute Up to 600 cases per hour Case size range: Minimum (inches): 8 long x 6 wide x 4 high Maximum (inches): 24 long x 16 wide...

CL 100 photo
SWF CL100 Case Packer with Infeed Conveyor

Used SWF CL100 Case Packer with Infeed Conveyor with: Last ran 12 and 16 ounce products Minimum case size: 10 inches long x 9 inches wide x 7.5 inches high Maximum case size: 20 inches long x 17 inches...

Showing 1-4 of 4 Items

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