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  Meat Grinder ×

20 Used Items
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432 photo
Hobart 4352 Meat Mixer Grinder

Used 4352 Meat Mixer Grinder with: Output: up to 100 pounds of fresh boneless beef per minute Meat capacity: 275 pounds for first grind Grinding rate: 90 to 100 pounds...

Hobart Stainless Steel Mixer and Grinder

Used Hobart Mixer and Grinder with: Hopper dimensions: Length: 17 inches Width: 19 inches Depth: 23 inches Infeed height: 54 inches Discharge height: 28 inches Screw dimensions: ...

AFMG-52 photo
Biro AFMG-52 Stainless Steel Automatic Feed Mixer Grinder With 200 Pound Hopper And 10 Hp Motor

The Biro Model AFMG-52 (Auto-Feed Mixer-Grinder) is the ideal workhorse for large supermarket meat rooms and medium sized processors and HRI plants. It provides a production output of up to 100 lbs. (45.5 kg) per...

AFMG-52 photo
Biro AFMG-52 Stainless Steel Automatic Feed Mixer Grinder With 200 Pound Hopper And 10 Hp Motor

The Biro Model AFMG-52 (Auto-Feed Mixer-Grinder) is the ideal workhorse for large supermarket meat rooms and medium sized processors and HRI plants. It provides a production output of up to 100 lbs. (45.5 kg) per...

DMM 1500 1 photo
Palmia Series DMM 1500 Meat Mixer-Grinder

Used Palmia Meat Mixing Grinder with: Hole plate diameter: 8.26 inches / 210 millimeters Double shaft ribbons Trolley dimensions: 45 length x 24 width x 37 height (Inches) 1150...

Showing 16-20 of 20 Items

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