Used Glue Case Sealer
37 Used Items
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Equipment in this category uses glue to seal the opening of a product case. A glue case sealer folds down the short flaps of a box, applying glue, and then folds the long flap of the box over the small flap to seal it shut. This prepares the box to be shipped. This equipment can be semi-automatic or automatic, and random or uniform.
- Wexxar-BEL (21)
- B+ Equipment (20)
- Pearson Packaging Systems (20)
- Delkor Systems, Inc. (7)
- Elliott Manufacturing Co. Inc. (6)
- Wayne Automation Corporation (6)
- MARQ Packaging Systems, Inc. (4)
- Sealed Air Corporation (4)
- Hamrick Manufacturing & Service, Inc. (3)
- Klippenstein Corporation (3)
- Gebo Cermex (3)
- Hartness International (3)
- MASSMAN Automation Designs, LLC (3)
- Northpoint (3)
Search Within Glue Case Sealer
Wexxar Bel290H Automatic Top & Bottom Hotmelt Case Sealer
The Wexxar BEL 290H Automatic Top and Bottom Hot Melt Case Sealer is a cutting-edge solution for high-speed case sealing applications. Designed to deliver consistent and reliable performance, the BEL 290H uses...
Cermex C65521 High Speed Stainless Steel Glue Case Sealer Up To 65 Cases Per Minute
Used High Speed Cermex Case Sealer: Output: up to 65 cases per minute depending on the application Case dimensions: Length: 7.87-21.65 inches (200-550 mm) Width: 5.11-13.77 inches (130-350 mm) Height:...
Wayne Automation RPS High Speed Hot Melt Top Case Sealer Up To 80 Cases Per Minute
Used Wayne Automation Case Sealer: Output: up to 80 cases per minute Case types: Regular Slotted Cases (RSC) All Flaps Meet (AFM) Full Overlap Slotted Containers (FOL) Siemens touchscreen controls...
Pearson CS40 Stainless Steel Glue Case Sealer
Used Pearson Case Sealer with: Speed: up to 40 cases per minute, depending on case length Minimum case dimensions: Length: 8 inches Width: 5 inches Height: 4.75 inches Maximum case dimensions: ...
Delkor CCF2-550 Continuous Motion Flange-Style Carton And Case Closer 55 Cases Per Minute
Used Delkor CCF2-550 Glue Case Sealer with: Output: up to 55 cases per minute depending on application Maximum finished case size: Length: 14 inches Width: 20 inches Height:14.5 inches Self...
I-Pack Automated Packaging System: Box Scoring, Gluing, Lidding For Distribution and Fulfillment
SEALED AIR I-Pack void reduction system rightsizes the pack and optimizes productivity for direct-to-consumer (DTC) order fulfillment operations. After a corrugated tray is formed and contents are inserted, the...
I-pack IN-RD Top Glue Case Sealer and Automated Packaging System
Used I-pack Case Sealer with: Speed: between 400 to 900 boxes per hour, depending on the box size Last running case dimensions: Length: 10.75 inches Width: 6.5 inches Height: 6.5 inches Magazine...
I-pack IK14B-1 Auto Case Glue Sealer and Automated Packaging System
Used I-Pack Case Sealer with: Speed: between 400 to 900 boxes per hour, depending on materials Magazine dimensions: Length: 32 inches Width: 12 inches Current lid dimensions: Length: 11.5...
I-pack IK14B-1 Auto Case Sealer and Automated Packaging System
Used I-pack Case Sealer with: Speed: between 400 to 900 boxes per hour, depending on the box size Last running case dimensions: Length: 10.75 inches Width: 6.5 inches Height: 6.5 inches Magazine...
I-pack IK14B-1 Top Glue Case Sealer and Automated Packaging System
Used Case Sealer with: Speed: between 400 to 900 boxes per hour, depending on the box size Last running case dimensions: Length: 10.75 inches Width: 6.5 inches Height: 6.5 inches Magazine dimensions:...
I-pack IK14B-1 Top Glue Case Sealer and Automated Packaging System
Used I-pack Case Sealer with: Speed: between 400 to 900 boxes per hour, depending on the box size Last running case dimensions: Length: 10.75 inches Width: 6.5 inches Height: 6.5 inches Magazine...
Pearson CS40 Automatic Top Sealing Glue Case Sealer
Used Pearson CS40 automatic top Glue Case Sealer with: Pearson Packaging Systems CS40-T Case Sealer top seals cases with pressure sensitive tape at speeds up to 40 cases per minute for the full standard case...
Wexxar WSH-07 Case Sealer Glue
Used Wexxar WSH-07 Top Glue Case Sealer with: Output/speed: Up to 45 cases per minute depending on application Case size range: Length: 10-20 inches Width: 6-18 inches Height:...
Delkor CC F2-550 Hot Melt Glue Shipper Case Sealer
Used Delkor CC F2-550 Case Sealer with: Hot melt glue case sealer for shelf ready cases and standard shippers Output: up to 55 cases per minute, depending on case size Maximum finished case size: 14 inches...
MARQ HPR-FBD-HSS/RH/AB Glue and Tape Case Sealer
Used MARQ HPR-FBD-HSS/RH/AB Glue and Tape Case Sealer with: Automatic flap folding case sealer Top case seal: glue Bottom case seal: tape 2 inch tapehead Case size: 10.25 inches tall x 13.5 inches...
Showing 1-15 of 37 Items