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  Moulder ×

39 Used Items
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This type of bakery equipment shapes dough to create consistent food products. Moulders can produce high volumes of product at a time and easily adjust for a variety of products. They shape the dough by either rolling or using a stamp or press. This equipment can be used for breads, cookies, pastries, and other bakery products.

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Stainless Steel Pressure Plate Moulding Table

Used Stainless Steel Pressure Plate Moulding Table with: Pressure plate style moulder Manual plate adjustments Conveyor belt width: 31 inches Dart Variable frequency drive Center mounted flour...

860L photo
Oliver / Bloemhof 860L Bread & Roll Moulder

Used Bloemhof Moulder with: Application: designed for high protein flour & long fermentation doughs Output: up to 3,600 dough pieces per hour Product weigh range: Minimum: 0.5 ounces ...

M50B03 photo
Comat M50B03 Stainless Steel Cheese Molding Machine Up To 2200 Pounds Per Hour

Used Comat Cheese Moulding Machine with: Production speed: up to 2204 pounds per hour, depending on application Product size: Spherical shape: Maximum: 2.2 pounds Parallelepi pedo shape:...

Mol d'Art 100 KilogramStainless Steel Chocolate Moulder

Used Mol d'Art Chocolate Moulder with: Mol d’Art moulding machines combine melting, tempering and moulding in one state-of-the-art unit. Moulding is made easy because of the adjustable amount of tempered...

Pro Bake Cookie Former

Used Pro Bake Cookie Former with: Overall dimensions: Length: 10 feet Width: 4 feet Height: 52 inches Drop height: 28 inches Hopper dimensions: Infeed height: 52 inches Width: 13 inches...

Instytut Maszyn Ball-Shaped Product Forming Machine

The Instytut Maszyn Ball-Shaped Product Forming Machine is a specialized piece of equipment designed to produce uniform, spherical-shaped products from various raw materials, like meat, dough, or potato paste,...

88-4 photo
Acme 88-4 Dough Moulder

Used Acme 88-4 Dough Moulder with: Conveyor dimensions: 72 inches long x 24 inches wide Hard chrome, precision ground processing rollers Top Rollers: 3.5 inch diameter x 10 inches long Bottom Rollers:...

Thompson Artisan Bread Moulder

Used Artisan Drum Type Bread Long Roll Moulder Barrel type bread moulder Extender table available at additional cost Proper OSHA guarding available at an additional cost

BakeDeco French Bread Moulder

Used BakeDeco French Bread Molder with: French molder designed for bakery and pastry applications Uses an oblique molder allows the sheeting and molding of the dough into a baguette, big or small loaves ...

SCSU-32 photo
Moline SCSU-32 Dough Stamper 32 Inches Wide

Used Moline SCSU-32 Dough Stamper with: 32 inch wide stamping plate Variable frequency drive system Adjustable cutting depth Stainless steel construction Stamping dies not included Previous...

DF 30B10A photo
Weidenmiller Ball Former

Used Weidenmiller Ball Former with: This piece is a custom built piece Was used for caramel candy

SYP1101L0 photo
Shinyoung Mechanics SYP1101L0 Rice Cake Former

Used Shinyoung Mechanics Rice Cake Machine with: Capacity: 360 pieces per hour Heater temperature: Maximum: 752°F Minimum: 30.2°F Rice cake size: Round: 3.93 inches Thickness: ...

602S RM340D 965-10 photo
New Era 602S RM340D 965-10 Rotary Moulder

Used New Era 602S RM340D 965-10 Rotary Moulder with: Application: produces soft dough biscuit shapes of various designs, dimensions and recepies (3) different rolls with a gear box for each roll so every...

MFT 0300 photo
Kruger Salecker MFT 0300 Stainless Steel Table Top Moulder

Used Kruger Salecker MFT 0300 Moulding Machine with: Production speed: up to 850 pounds per hour Working width: 300 mm Tabletop operation Working width: 3.9 - 15.7 inches Digital control panel Push-button...

MR 265A photo
Toresani MR 265A Ravioli and Tortellini Machine

Used Toresani MR 265A Ravioli Tortellini Machines with: Last used for: tortellini and ravioli Output rate: 176 - 264 pounds per hour, product dependent 75 strokes per minute Loading hopper Mixing/feeding...

Showing 1-15 of 39 Items

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